Classics for Kids

Classics for Kids


This an incredibly comprehensive website in music for students grades K-5. Having won many awards, the contents of this site include lesson plans for teachers, games for kids, guides for parents, and books review, among MANY other resources. All lesson plans link National Standards and use a variety of teaching methodologies including Orff, Dalcroze and Kodaly.  The website also provides links to their podcast and radio broadcasts.

Price: Free Always

Link: Classics for Kids

Cover of Choir Eval Resource

Choral Connections: Choir Evaluation Project


This resource helps choral teachers develop listening units for students in beginning, advanced, and/or collegiate methods or choirs. Based around the state festival system, students will think critically about their own music and the process of evaluation. The unit is adaptable for distance learning, homework, or in-class projects. The PDF download includes editable student worksheets for multiple levels of learners.

Price: Free during COVID-19

Link: ChoirEval_Final



Cover of Choir Eval Resource

Choral Connections: Choir Evaluation Project


This resource helps choral teachers develop listening units for students in beginning, advanced, and/or collegiate methods or choirs. Based around the state festival system, students will think critically about their own music and the process of evaluation. The unit is adaptable for distance learning, homework, or in-class projects. The PDF download includes editable student worksheets for multiple levels of learners.

Price: Free during COVID-19

Link: Choir Evaluation Project



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